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Fast track your eCommerce performance with tailored solutions.

    Our mission is simple: to empower online businesses with lightning-fast webshops that drive results.

    With a deep-rooted commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction, we have honed our expertise to deliver unparalleled speed enhancements tailored to the unique needs of each client.

Racing forward: solutions for both.


⏤ Internal tooling

⏤ Custom management systems

⏤ Multi-merchant architecture

⏤ Migrations to Hyvä Themes

⏤ Performance optimization

⏤ Custom integrations

⏤ Training and workshops


⏤ Magento update service

⏤ Migration to Hyvä Themes

⏤ Performance optimization

⏤ CI/CD setup

⏤ Custom integrations

⏤ Partner in tailored solutions

⏤ Addition to current team

Not sure this would be the solution for you? Send and email and we will get back to you!

Technologies we work with.


Revving Up: analysis we offer


Frontend analysis

Enhance user experience and client-side performance.

What you get:

  • Optimised CSS/JS bundlers
  • Improving Core Web Vitals
  • Migration to Hyva Themes


Caching analysis

Boost website speed and reduce server load with advanced caching solutions.

What you get:

  • Varnish/Redis optimimisation
  • Custom caching strategies
  • Long term caching analysis


Backend analysis

Optimize backend processes and database operations to ensure optimal performance and scalability.

What you get:

  • Reducing TTFB for uncached pages
  • Query optimization for faster data retrieval
  • Implementation of preloaders


Frontend analysis

Enhance the overall structure and scalability with CI/CD pipelines and cloud services.

What you get:

  • Custom deployment tooling
  • Deployment optimisations
  • Minimal downtime deployments

Who is behind perfcom?

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Louis de Looze is a dynamic professional based in Belgium, specializing in E-commerce and Web Development. With his expertise spanning DevOps, web frameworks, programming languages, and databases, Louis is a multi-talented individual who leverages technology to solve complex problems.

Ready to fuel your success?

Plan in a meeting with us for a free analysis.